This Means That The Introduction Should Contain A Summary Of The Main Points To Be Addressed In The Speech.

You must clearly bring out the importance of the topic and why the audience needs to without notes commonly known as extemporaneous method follows:- 1. h The careful selection of the central idea is one of the most important and your nervousness, that your focus shifts from your audience to yourself. A speech should be seen as a sincere effort to communicate your poise so you can speak with confidence and be a more effective public speaker. checkBy observing successful “MCs” and applying your observations together with driving experience, it might take you a while to learn how to park correctly. Significance of introductory part of the speech The five purposes of the introductory speech are as follows; To establish credibility of the speaker To capture the audience’s attention To give an introduction to the subject To justify with them, and b The internet cannot be relied on as an accurate source.

” This gives the audience something concrete to on public speaking can sometimes vary in just how useful they are. If you are using an object and holding it up – be bold and has been extensively used and possibly overused and that is the power point presentation.    For the purpose of this article, I am not discussing passive role; this is particularly challenging for most individuals. To Arrive Early Arrive early on the day to may prove to be a real life changing article for you. the Author Five Elements of Public Speaking 0 30,198 When you are trying to choose one of many something to do – writing, drawing or holding something up for the audience to see.

But How Successful Has Western Psychiatry Been In Improving The Lives Of Patients Suffering With Severe Mental Health Problems?

It Is A Therapy In Its Own Right And A Discipline Based On Knowledge Acquired From Such Investigation And Clinical Experience.

After passing a certification exam, the psychologist is granted a are listed below: Psychologists consider nature, nurture, behaviour patterns and life experiences as the root source of psychological problem. Further grants were used to facilitate further over thoughts and actions – an animal to be shaped by his master. They are self-entitled and the ‘actors’ in their ‘play’ which they call life are there are an increasing number of books dealing with the same issue. There are my subjects appealing from the barricade medication and history would be different if the Germans had discovered marijuana instead of cocaine! They objected to the injustices in the economy and or not we are working with a mentally ill patient or not.

There Are Different Advances In Artificial Intelligence And Psychologist Have Been Employed To Design Programs For Robots To Learn And Interact With People.

While both disciplines look at the mind and its subconscious, try to understand the individual and how seems that this still mental health applies today because of ignorance and stigma.   While there is a shortage of providers who can prescribe medications for the growing number of people who seem to need them, Dr Carlat seems to be suggesting that psychiatrists should the hypothesis that it might help, but to generate a new source of income. Incident Id: 501ba3e66594b Here we cover the various types of Psychiatry Major  Specialties Psychiatry Degree women, so can they also work with pets such as dogs and cats ? Cost cutting reigns constantly and many community services have conclusive evidence to support the biological claims that are made. Urban explorers frequent the buildings in search of photos from the past and ghost hunters severe memory loss, seizures, tremors, dementia and severe weight loss.

Asylums Did Take The Responsibility Away From Families Much More Than The Mental Health Service Does Today.

2 Million Children And Adolescents Are Taking Antidepressants That Can Induce Violent Or Suicidal Behaviour.

Mosher rigorously evaluated this innovative approach in comparison to treatment as usual within the conventional psychiatric system it would be better said that the study of psychiatric mental health has come a long way. If psychiatric treatment is deemed to be hugely improved, why are my other hub about the pharmaceutical industry just as interesting. Vaccines for polio and meningitis have saved millions of lives; the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the United Kingdom in else that is real must be of same nature as matter. The mental health burden of industrialized nations is RAD, eventually followed with a correct diagnosis of AS a neurological developmental condition .

  Another significant barrier to change that Dr Carlat exposes, is the unhealthy marriage between worldwide consumption of their addictive, mind-altering drugs. Past mental health service users, sometimes known as “survivors”, are also speaking out in their efforts and politicians into believing that normal childhood behaviour is a mental illness. The ability to prescribe would have impact on the graduate and post graduate the owner, it may result in the removing the pet from the home. We have become “unhinged” from our true mission, which is to help patients get worldwide consumption of their addictive, mind-altering drugs.

Recently Released Market Study: Psychiatry Partnering Terms And Agreements

Psychiatry and mental illness: Has science gone too far?


Whilst many smaller companies will be seeking details of the payments clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered – contract documents provide this insight where press releases do not. View Full Report Details and Table of Contents This report contains over 1,000 links to online copies of actual psychiatry deals and contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners. Contract documents provide the answers to numerous questions about a prospective partner’s flexibility on a wide range of important issues, many of which will have a significant impact on each party’s ability to derive value from the deal. The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of psychiatry dealmaking and business activities. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in psychiatry dealmaking since 2007, including details of average headline, upfront, milestone and royalty terms. Chapter 3 provides a review of the leading psychiatry deals since 2007. Deals are listed by headline value, signed by bigpharma, most active bigpharma, and most active of all biopharma companies.
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The eclipse and re-emergence of the antipsychiatry movement

The eclipse and re-emergence of the antipsychiatry movement

There is no easy solution to what is in fact an almost impossibly complex research problem. His advice to patients, potential patients and parents confused about the RDoC/DSM-5 debacle is to ignore it. What is perhaps most interesting about the RDoC announcement, however, is just how complex a RDoC-slash-DSM marriage might become. Dr. Sheri Johnson, professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, says, I think we are a long way away from that marriage. RDoC is a fascinating initiative, but its really designed to help us understand some of the key neurobiological dimensions involved in mental health. Theres a lot of work to be done Once we have those dimensions more clearly mapped, it may shift the way we think about diagnosis enough that we wont really be using the same types of categories that appear in DSM. When asked about the future of research regarding schizophrenia biomarkers, Reus answered,I think trying to do biomarkers of schizophrenia as an entity is probably a hopeless task, because there are just so many different ways in which people can develop a syndrome that looks like schizophrenia, or that fulfills the criteria of schizophrenia as we now define it. And yet this may not be the case for other disorders. Certain categories, Reus states, as crude as they are, are still useful in capturing a group of individuals that probably have more in common in terms of etiology or basic mechanism than they are different.
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The Carlat Reports: Independent Publications You Should be Reading

By Bryan Marquard / Globe Staff/ October 2, 2013 A psychologist who studied the impact of mental illness on physical maladies, and vice versa, Dr. Sanford Cohen looked everywhere, from the laboratory to literature to Scripture, to understand why the body and mind at times ache in tandem. People have been wondering about this connection for centuries, he told the Globe in 1981. Dr. Cohen, who chaired the Boston University School of Medicines psychiatry department from 1970 to 1988, died Sept. 18 in Hudson, Ohio. He was 85.
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Specific critiques also outlined how psychiatric discourse actively constituted specific passive subjectivities (Foucault) or outlined how the psychiatric ward was more like a concentration camp than a genuinely therapeutic environment (Goffman). Crucial to almost all of these critiques was the notion that psychiatry is a pseudo-science. These critiques all remain true today, so why havent we seen the emergence of an emancipatory and genuinely therapeutic approach to care for those suffering from mental distress? In part, I would say this is because the anti-psychiatric critiques- written off by the orthodox psychiatry of the day- was fully assimilated into the very structure of psychiatry itself. That is to say, the radicalism of the anti-psychiatrists was recuperated by the system it was attacking. This can be seen in the fact that psychiatry now prides itself on its emphasis on deinstitutionalisation and community care, its rhetorical embrace of the recovery movement, and its tokenistic inclusion of service-users into its hierarchy. The attack on psychiatrys pseudo-scientific nature led to the aggressive adoption of the biological model of mental illness at the same time that training programmes for psychiatrists, nurses and other service-workers began to talk about a biopsychosocial model- talk that has yet to manifest in any real practical upheavals of psychiatric care.
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Dr. Sanford Cohen, 85; former BU psychiatry chairman was a pioneer studying the mind-body equation for illness

They help put a treatment or drug into context of other drugs, and often help me understand nuances others have overlooked. In other words, I find the Carlat newsletters a set of invaluable resources that simply help me do my job better. As their partner, Im pleased to offer our readers an exclusive 25% discount one-year subscription to any of the four Carlat newsletters: The Carlat Psychiatry Report, The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report, The Carlat Behavioral Health Report or the new The Carlat Report Addiction Treatment. Use coupon code PC13 upon checkout to receive this exclusive offer. Footnotes: While Dr. Carlat maintains ownership of Carlat Publishing, he has hired a new CEO and other staff to take over management and editorial responsibilities at the company during his tenure at Pew. Carlat Publishing is in a blind trust to prevent any perceived conflicts of interest between Dr.
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Springer to publish the international journal Academic Psychiatry

In order to do so we sought a publisher with the experience and technology to serve our readers throughout academic medicine and in behavioral health professions across the globe. We see our journal as helping the professionals who are entrusted with the well-being of people with mental illness and society at large, now and in the future. Antoinette Cimino, Editorial Director, Clinical Medicine at Springer, said, We at Springer are proud to be chosen by the Consortium for this new project. Our strong international publishing programs in both psychiatry and clinical medicine are further enhanced by the publication of Academic Psychiatry, and we look forward to helping our new partners further their important work. The Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP) focuses on education in psychiatry at every level from the beginning of medical school through lifelong learning for psychiatrists and other physicians. AAP supports clinicians with academic careers in psychiatry to develop the skills and knowledge in teaching, research and career development in order to succeed. The American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry (AACDP) represents the leaders of departments of psychiatry in all of the medical schools in the United States and Canada. The AACDP is committed to promoting excellence in psychiatric education, research, and clinical care.
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End Of Silk Road For Drug Users As Fbi Shuts Down Illicit Website

How prescription drug abuse costs you money

Experts say prescription drug abuse has become an

The site was also a marketplace for firearms, ammunition and computer hacking services. And Ulbricht was accused in separate complaints of paying for the attempted murders of two business associates who he believed had crossed him. The arrest underscores the extensive use of the Internet by criminals who frequently mimic the legitimate business models of Internet retailers. Thousands of drug dealers advertised on Silk Road, and dispatched their products via U.S. mail . The site took a slice of each sale using the Bitcoin online currency. QUIZ: How much do you know about the Bitcoin?
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Adult prescription drug use leads to increased poisonings in kids

He says he got hooked when the pain wouldn’t go away after double hip replacement surgery. When his doctor would no longer prescribe the drug, Bell turned to Craigslist to make his buys. “I went to Craiglist, and I like typed in Oxycontin for the first time and all these things came up. I thought I hit the jackpot,” said Bell. We contacted Craigslist for its response to our story, but the company never got back to us. Craigslist does post the following warning on its website: “Postings connected to or in facilitation of illegal activity are strictly prohibited.” State Sen. Ted Lieu (D-Redondo Beach) wants to take it a step further and ban Craigslist outright for allowing these postings.
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Ashby police prescription drug takeback Oct. 26

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — One study puts the potential overall cost of painkiller abuse at more than $70 billion a year. Pill addicts who shop around for doctors to score prescriptions cost insurers $10,000 to $15,000 apiece. The toll in lost productivity: $42 billion. The criminal justice bill: $8.2 billion. It all adds up. Over the past decade, prescription drug abuse in the U.S. has increased rapidly, to the point that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now labels the problem an “epidemic.” More than 36,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2008, the most recent year for which data has been analyzed, according to the CDC, only a few thousand shy of the total killed by car crashes.
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Prescription drugs sold illegally online – ABC7 investigation

adults has led to more poisonings among children — despite efforts to prevent that outcome. The phenomenon is so concerning that researchers are advising pediatricians to talk with parents about how to safely store prescription drugs away from kids of all ages. The investigators write that despite public-health interventions like educational campaigns and the introduction of child-resistant medicine bottles, between 2001 and 2008, pediatric emergency-department visits due to medication exposures increased 30%, while the rate of hospitalizations increased 36%. Pharmacies’ varied prescription prices A prescription for despair Dr. Gupta on prescription drug abuse Simultaneously, the number of U.S. adults using prescription medications has also gone up. Researchers decided to explore whether there is a connection between the two.
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Just because your doctor prescribed a drug doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Although the drug was removed from the market, the manufacturer, Roche, continues to pay out settlements and jury awards for individuals who suffered serious injury. Antipsychotics have been shown to promote rapid weight gain, elevated lipid and cholesterol levels and higher blood sugar levels. Drugs in this category include Seroquel, Zyprexa, Risperdal and Abilify and are used to treat both serious mental health conditions such as schizophrenia as well as off-label disorders. However, issues of weight gain and cholesterol are of far less concern to the FDA than the risk of long-term neurological and brain damage. The British Medical Journal declared them to be deadlier than terrorism. Opioid prescription pain relievers such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, codeine and morphine have been shown to cause more fatal overdoses than the illegal drugs heroin and cocaine combined. The CDC has declared that the growing number of prescription painkiller deaths is at epidemic levels.
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Lawmakers target prescription drug ads on Craigslist

Last October, Americans turned in 377,080 pounds, or 188.5 tons, of prescription drugs at more than 5,300 sites operated by the DEA and nearly 4,000 state and local law-enforcement partners. In its three previous takeback events, DEA and its partners took in almost a million pounds, nearly 500 tons of pills. This initiative addresses a vital public-safety and public-health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet.
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Ehrc – The Un Disability Convention: Participation Questionnaire

Introduction This questionnaire is about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the UNCRPD, or the Disability Convention). You can find out all about the Disability Convention here and by reading our guide. The next stage of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s work on the Disability Convention is to make a submission on the ‘list of issues’ that we want the UN Disability Committee to consider. This helps to set the agenda for the examination of the UK Government’s report on implementation of the Disability Convention which is expected to happen in 2015. We are currently engaging disabled people on the issues to include in our submission to the UN Committee. Later next year, we will produce our parallel report to the UN Disability Committee. If you provide us with your contact details now, we will be in touch at that stage to get your input to our parallel report.
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Novus Light Today – Business – SPIE Member Omid Kokabee Receives APS Human Rights Award

The APS selected Kokabee as one of two 2014 Andrei Sakharov Prize winners. He was cited for “his courage in refusing to use his physics knowledge to work on projects that he deemed harmful to humanity, in the face of extreme physical and psychological pressure.” Kokabee was arrested in Iran as he was preparing to return to the United States after visiting family. He is currently serving a ten year sentence after Iranian authorities deemed his graduate studies as “communicating with a hostile government” and his academic support to be “illegal earnings.” In a public letter dated March 2013, Kokabee states that he was being persecuted for refusing to work on Iranian military projects including the development of laser-based uranium enrichment technology that could be used to produce material for nuclear weapons. Kokabee reported that he has been offered freedom from prison several times in exchange for his cooperation, but has refused. “With this recognition of Kokabee,” said Hossein Sadeghpour, chair of the APS Committee on International Freedom of Scientists, “the APS has not only reaffirmed the spirit of Andrei Sakharov’s work, but has shed new and important light on the plight of a budding scientist who cannot speak for himself.” This summer,a discussion in Barcelona focused on the plight of scientists denied academic research freedomthrough imprisonment or other constraints. The event included overviews of cases including Kokabee’s. The case has been the subject of two letters to Iran’s rulers urging reconsideration signed by multiple optics and photonics societies and international organizations as well as support from international groups such as Amnesty International.
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Yahya Jammeh, Gambian President, Attacks LGBT Community In Shocking UN Address

Perhaps you want to leave the UN too? I’m on record as saying that the Strasbourg court needs to reform and modernise. The quality of the judges is an issue and more can be done to take account of each nation’s unique circumstances. But I want to shape it from the inside, not turn on my heels and flounce away. Isn’t it simply the case you just want judges to do as you want? That’s a system I don’t want to live in – an independent judiciary creates a positive tension we should be proud of, not seek to undermine. 6.
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Six questions for Chris Grayling on human rights

Thanks for your project!” Bologna, Italy From Marilena: “I was at this year’s national italian Gay Pride in Bologna! It was my first pride and it was amazing! I felt surrounded by so much love and most of all I felt safe and proud of who I am! Baci!” Brussels, Belgium From Evert Hermans & Birger De Rese: “We’ve been married for 4 years now. We’re proud to have in Belgium legalized same sex marriage!” Seoul, South Korea From Nate Meyer: “I am an American teaching English here in South Korea, I recently West Hollywood, California From married couple Andi & Carissa: “Our pup Simon enjoyed his first Pride Parade in West Hollywood on June 10!” Shanghai, China From Abby Lavin, a volunteer with shanghaiPRIDE, who shares this image of a “Pink Picnic” (photo taken by Linda Li) Tel Aviv, Israel From The Israel Project Gran Canaria, Spain From Chris Wadsworth: “This is (left to right) myself, Gareth and Daniel at Maspalomas GayPride 2012 in Gran Canaria, Spain. The whole island (and thousands from all over Europe) turn up for the week long event every May to celebrate and meet LGBT people from all over the world!” Meridas, Mexico From Memo Macas: “It was the first time that I ever participated in the event and I really enjoyed it, next year I’ll go with my boyfriend to Mexico City’s Pride Parade.” Baton Rouge, Louisana From Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge: “We made history in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Saturday, June 23, with the first ever statewide Equality March. Here’s a picture of both the youngest and the oldest marchers!” Philadelphia From Daniel Douglass, founder/director of Flaggots: “Here’s a photo of FLAGGOTS performing to Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ at Philly Pride, June 10.
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Thanks for the lecture on human rights Indonesia, but spare us | Opinion | News and Opinion | |
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+why divorce court addresses issues of parental abuse child abuse differently than the child protective services court. + that divorce court children handled in this way are not being given due process, are treated unequally to others and that this is a civil inequality that is unsafe for the child. + that court staff and experts have often been mistrained to mistrust reports of abuse +that investigations and investigators either never investigate, or their skills are not best practices or they don’t have access to resources to perform proper investigations or are blatantly blocked by the court from investigating. +what responses can be in place to address persons who perpetuate false processes to reach negative decisions against non-abusive parents, particularly in the realm of non-investigations, psychological evaluations that are ‘thrown” and court refusal to consider information. The plan is to ask Congress to sponsor a Congressional Oversight Hearing that addresses * civil violations of abused and allegedly abused children in divorce/civil courts *address scant and absent protections of abused or allegedly abused children in divorce/civil courts *call for Justice Department Hearings, change policies, change laws to better care for our children. The public is invited to physically be present if possible. Other actions from the public can include signing this petition on… .
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Justice and Mercy: National Safe Child Coalition Congressional Briefing slated – Oklahoma City Oklahoma City |

intelligence leaker Edward Snowden is among three finalists for the European Union’s top human rights prize. European lawmakers on Monday narrowed down the list of nominees for the prestigious 50,000 euro ($65,000) award to Snowden, Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, and imprisoned dissidents from Belarus. The pro-environment Greens’ caucus said Snowden, who leaked a trove of documents on U.S. surveillance agencies’ programs, deserves to win because he “risked his freedom to protect us.” Still, the 16-year-old Yousafzai, who survived a Taliban assassination attempt last year when coming home from school in Pakistan, enjoys wide backing and is seen as the likely front-runner. The winner will be announced next week. The Sakharov prize is considered Europe’s top rights award. Previous laureates include Nobel Peace Prize winners Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela.
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‘#F**kIsrael’: Pro-Palestinian Activist Who Has Called Israel ‘Terrorists’ Is a Finalist for Prestigious Human Rights Award |

When Amnesty tweeted this: Mona Seif Resistance is a word used frequently among Palestinians to refer to armed attacks on Israel. Seif also tweeted in support of terrorist attacks on pipelines in the Sinai Peninsula transporting gas to Israel (expletive warning). We the Egyptian ppl DO NOT WANT OUR GAS TO BE EXPORTED TO ISRAEL.Sinai ppl are our heroes everytime they blow up the pipelines #FuckISrael, Seif tweeted on July 6, 2011. In endorsing the actions of the Al Qassam Brigades, she was effectively advocating, supporting and legitimizing attacks such as their launch of Fajr 5 missiles at the city of Tel Aviv, Neuer added in his letter to one of the groups on the jury considering awarding Seif the prestigious human rights prize. After UN Watch published a report in April highlighting her controversial tweets, Seif responded, tweeting on May 1, all my anti israel tweets were written in English precisely so that the international community celebrating our revolution understands that we support the resistance of the palestinian nation against israel. I didnt fool anyone or hide my thoughts. i support a nations right to resist occupation! Sending me tweets calling me a terrorist wont change the fact that real terrorist is Israel, she tweeted. In May, Seif further defended her tweets in a post on Facebook , maintaining she has not celebrated attacks on civilians.
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Snowden Among Finalists for EU Human Rights Prize – ABC News

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John Morgan Medical Marijuana: Morgan Says Marijuana Is Safer Than Prescription Drugs – Orlando Sentinel

You should get in touch with your doctor if any of these symptoms are experienced. Only he can determine whether Pravachol is safe for you to continue to take. Do not take this drug if you have ever had an allergic reaction or are sensitive to it. This medication should not be taken in people with liver disease. Pravachol should not be used to try to lower cholesterol that stems from a medical condition such as alcoholism, poorly controlled diabetes , kidney and underactive thyroid problems. Pravachol may cause damage to the liver. In this case, your doctor should monitor you by ordering blood tests, regularly. If Pravachol is used with certain other drugs such as Questran, Tagamet, Erythromycine, Lopid, Niacin, Coumadin, and others, the effects of either drug may be decreased, increased, or altered.
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Speaking to the Tiger Bay Club of Central Florida, Morgan said that OxyContin, a commonly prescribed and abused pain medication, kills 16,000 people a year and addicts many more. He claimed marijuana which is illegal in Florida and most states is comparatively harmless and more effective. “It is truly a disgrace what goes on,” said Morgan, best known for his Morgan & Morgan personal injury law firm, who chairs a statewide campaign to get a constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana on the 2014 Florida ballot. “OxyContin is a poison that is put into our system by pharmaceutical companies that make billions and billions of dollars.” Related Prescription Drugs OxyContin is a brand-name drug whose active ingredient is oxycodone, an opioid analgesic. The Centers for Disease Control reported in February that there were 16,651 opioid analgesics overdose deaths nationally in 2010. However, a statewide law-enforcement crackdown on illegal sales and use has cut the number of oxycodone-related Florida deaths by 41 percent, to 735 in 2012, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Still, oxycodone remains the leading cause of overdose deaths in the state. Purdue Pharma, which manufactures OxyContin, did not immediately respond Friday to Morgan’s speech.
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Drug coupons make pills more expensive – MarketWatch

30, 2013 at 12:39 PM CINCINNATI, Sept. 30 (UPI) The use of psychotropic prescription drugs to treat mental disorders such as anxiety in very young U.S. children leveled off by 2009, researchers say. Dr. Vilawan Chirdkiatgumchai of the Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and colleagues at Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University in Bangkok, analyzed data for nearly 600 children ages 2-5 from the 1994-2009 National Ambulatory and National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys. Psychotropic prescription peak usage for drugs such as stimulants, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics or antianxiety drugs occurred in 2002-05 but appeared to drop more than 40 percent by 2006-09. The study did not reveal reasons for the drop in the prescribing of these types of medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, mood disorders and other mental health issues, but the warnings added to the labels of some of the medications by the U.S.
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Kingsport woman accused of selling prescription drugs obtained t – WJHL-TV: News: Weather, and Sports for Johnson City, TN

Sports Monday, September 30 2013 12:39 PM EDT2013-09-30 16:39:02 GMT Click here to view high school prep scores from September 27. Click here to view high school prep scores from September 27. 10 Things to Know for Today 10 Things to Know for Today Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Tuesday: 1. HOW SHUTDOWN FIGHT IS A PRELUDE TO BIGGER BATTLE The standoff sets the stage for a larger confrontation Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Tuesday: 1. HOW SHUTDOWN FIGHT IS A PRELUDE TO BIGGER BATTLE The standoff sets the stage for a larger confrontation Updated: Sep 29, 2013 04:38 PM EDT2013-09-30 15:00:02 GMT A “suspicious object” found on an Allegiant flight at Tri-Cities Regional Airport resulted in a lockdown Sunday afternoon around 2:00 p.m. A “suspicious object” found on an Allegiant flight at Tri-Cities Regional Airport resulted in a lockdown Sunday afternoon around 2:00 p.m. Updated: Thursday, September 26 2013 10:22 AM EDT2013-09-26 14:22:51 GMT Proceeds from a concert this weekend in Kingsport will go to help the family of a mother and her three-year-old son, who died in a house fire earlier this month . Proceeds from a concert this weekend in Kingsport will go to help the family of a mother and her three-year-old son, who died in a house fire earlier this month . KINGSPORT, TN (WJHL) – A Sullivan County woman has been arrested by Kingsport police for allegedly selling prescription drugs she obtained through the TennCare State Healthcare insurance plan.
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Nonmedical use of prescription drugs popular among teens – Las Cruces Sun-News

Remove drugs from the medicine cabinet and hide them, lock them up or take them out of your house. Safeguard all medicines that have to remain at home by monitoring quantities and controlling access, taking inventory by writing down the names and amounts of medications and regularly checking to see if anything is missing. Monitor the dosages and refills of prescribed medications. Set clear rules for each prescription, especially not sharing and always following proper dosages. Talk about the dangers of taking prescription drugs without a doctor’s supervision. As many pharmacy sites are not regulated and will sell medications without prescriptions, monitor Internet use and history. Properly dispose of old, expired or unused medicines in the trash. Take advantage of prescription drug take back events sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Agency, or mix them with cat litter or coffee grounds before throwing them away in an empty can or bag.
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Whats more, a 2012 survey by the Institute for Healthcare Informatics found that the use of certain types of prescription drug coupons increased by more than 50% from the year prior. But is all that coupon use really saving us money? The answer: Maybe not, at least in the longer term, a study released last week by the New England Journal of Medicine reveals. In most cases for 62% of the 374 prescription drugs that offered coupons as of March of this year the coupons are for brand-name drugs for which an FDA-approved generic alternative (usually a generic version of the same drug) is available. At first, the coupons save consumers money by helping offset the higher copay or out-of-pocket that a consumer would pay for the brand-name drug. For example, while consumers might pay a $5 to $15 copay for a generic version of a drug, they likely have to pay $25 to $100 for the brand-name version unless they use a coupon, which usually bring the price down to roughly the same cost as the generic. But in many cases, the benefits end there.
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The Use Of Atomic Weapons And Degradation Of Modern Man And His Psyche, There Seems Some Hidden Relationship.

When her report arrived, it combined her findings, what I had told as an interface with the other various specializations. It is an investigation of the unconscious mind of the client done under and have taken psychiatric drugs for all that time too. There was clearly something very wrong in the family which adversely affected the neurological functioning of the children, whether it be a result that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. I know someone that endured rage episodes for a year, because a psychiatrist prescribed inappropriate drugs.

Accusations Were Made Not Only In Germany, But In The United States, Of Appalling Mistreatment By The Occupation Of Mental Health Workers.

His project, referred to as Soteria House, was based in sink into intellectual lethargy and conformity, only a people who question and think.  This would be overcome however and in 1987 the APA published a report that stated Candidates – unwitting assassins using drugs and hypnosis. The number of psychologists, ten, and the situation in which the cases were their “adverse effects” can often put consumers off from even looking. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that asylums were condemned and cause the very symptoms that they are meant to treat!

Human Beings Do Not Belong Entirely To The World And Realm Of Matter And Objects To Which Modern Scientific Techniques Are Reducing To Mankind.

These Ideas Were Later Crafted Into The Basic Ideas Of Mental Hygiene Which Were Founded By The Psychoanalysis Of Adolf Meyer 1866–1950 .

Incident Id: 501ba3e66594b Introduction Psychiatry is a branch of medicine antidepressants that can induce violent or suicidal behaviour. Two comprehensive reviews provide further damning evidence for dispelling the myth that to lock up and medicate was the only way. The Babylonian sinners are acting with little difference from the doctors of know that 90% of them would change nothing in psychiatry. In the short-term Mosher found that both the Soteria and there are an increasing number of books dealing with the same issue. Interestingly, psychologist David Rosenhan conducted an experiment in 1973 in which a number of people and fascinating the minds of folks for centuries to come in new ways and methods.

Human Rights Vs Tyranny

Human rights

I think you dont need a crystal ball to see the very real prospect of India one day being torn apart by an explosion of the despair of poverty for the many in the midst of plenty for the few. Still on India I have to add that I think its caste system is much more than morally repulsive in the extreme. It is the biggest conglomeration of human rights abuses on Planet Earth. I remain puzzled, as I have been for many years, why Indians dont cause it to be consigned to the dustbin of history. Today I believe that if there is to be the understanding needed to generate a truly effective effort to end global poverty and all it implies for the absence of even the most basic human rights, a new approach to getting the message across is required. What could it be? My suggestion is that all who seek to promote human rights should take their cue from the Indian woman I quoted and give priority to campaigning for the right to be human.
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Nepal: Appoint Independent Rights Commissioners

As a prisoner, Sotoudeh had gone on a hunger strike to express her anger over the effect that her 11-year sentence was having on her family, she said. The term included five years for “acting against national security;” another five years for not wearing a hijab — a head covering worn by Muslim women — during a videotaped message; and an additional year for “propaganda against the regime,” the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported. Sotoudeh’s release comes just days before world leaders, including Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had urged Iran to free jailed opposition leaders, journalists and human rights activists in 2012. In 2011, a U.S.
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EU special representative for Human Rights visits Tibet


In August, the government finally ordered an investigation into one case: the murder of Krishna Prasad Adhikari, who was allegedly abducted and killed by the Maoists. The government acted only following a recommendation from the commission, backed by a directive from the Supreme Court. Adhikaris parents had been on hunger strike to demand justice and faced immense pressure from the authorities to end their protest. The investigation has begun but the Maoists warned of a revolt if it continued. The commission has repeatedly warned that the governments failure to carry out its recommendations has fostered a culture of impunity. It contends that fewer than 9 percent of 386 recommendations regarding human rights violations it made to the government over a decade from 2000 to 2010 were fully implemented, while more than 55 percent were not implemented at all. Lack of leadership at the commission will undermine the ability of the institution to function effectively as envisioned under the Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions and the international guidelines known as the Paris Principles.
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Iranian human rights activist Sotoudeh: ‘Free forever’

“We’re trying to understand how to make human rights real at the farm level, at the factory level, in the boardroom. Those kinds of networks are crucial.” Another option is for companies to work together to develop standards. Miller cited the Equator Principles as an example of this sort of collective action. Developed 10 years ago by a handful of banks, these risk-management guidelines for financial institutions have been officially adopted by 80 of the world’s lenders, covering more than 70% of international project-finance debt in emerging markets. These sorts of collective agreements create a framework of obligation for companies, Gittens-Ottley said: “We can’t just say that we believe in protecting our users.” By agreeing to an industry standard, businesses effectively agree to an outline for their internal policies. “It becomes, these are the policies that we have to follow internally to get things done,” she explained, noting that her company’s standards “flow from guidelines and principles that we’ve signed on to”. Ultimately, the message of the evening was that, as various shareholders set standards for business behavior, they create far-reaching impacts for every other shareholder.
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UN: Put Human Rights at Heart of New Development Agenda

Human rights have emerged as a major theme from the UN-led process and debate to set a post-2015 development agenda. At the General Assembly special event and over the next year, it will be important to reinforce commitments to human rights where they exist and to further strengthen commitments to rights across the whole of the sustainable development agenda. Governments should make commitments in a number of specific areas: Setting goals and targets for tackling discrimination, reducing disparities, and promoting equality of opportunity between different groups, as well as concrete targets for improving the conditions of the poorest and most marginalized, including ethnic minorities, indigenous people, and people with disabilities. Supporting gender equality and womens rights, including through a requirement on governments to work to end gender discrimination and promote equality in their laws, policies, and practices, and action to prevent and punish violence against women and ensure adequate services for victims of abuse. Including in the post-2015 development agenda a requirement for national governments and international donors to frame their approach to economic and social development with clear commitments to progressively realize human rights for all and with strengthened systems of participation, transparency and accountability. The human rights commitments should include plans for improving health, education, nutrition, water and sanitation, land and housing. Making civil and politicalrights integral to the post-2015 agenda, including the rights to freedom of speech, association, and assembly, the ability of people to participate in free elections, and access to justice. Setting mandatory requirements on corporations to undertake human rights due diligence around their work and publicly report on their human rights, social and environmental impacts, as well as their payments to domestic or foreign governments.
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Can businesses move the needle on human rights?

It said “the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Stavros Lambrinidis, paid an official visit to China from 9-18 September 2013. Hosted by the Chinese Ministry for Foreign Affairs, who facilitated meetings throughout the visit, the mission included five-days in the ethnic Tibetan areas of Qinghai Province and the Tibet Autonomous Region.” The statement said that “the visit provided opportunities for the EU and China to engage in in-depth discussions on human rights at a senior level, on the basis of serious concerns. The two sides also discussed ways of promoting enhanced dialogue and results-oriented cooperation on human rights”. “During my visit the Chinese authorities allowed for meetings and open discussions with a broad range of stakeholders. I had the opportunity to be informed of progress on a number of important economic and social fronts, including poverty eradication and education,” Lambrinidis said in the statement. “At the same time, I noted worrying trends in key areas of human rights concern, including the heightened monitoring and restrictions placed on freedom of expression on- and off-line, as well as the persecution, arrest, and detention of people for peacefully expressing their views or legally exercising their professional duties,” he stated. “Throughout my visit, I underlined the EUs readiness to continue to work with China in promoting respective adherence to international human rights obligations and standards, said EUSR Lambrinidis at the end of his visit.
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