Human Beings Do Not Belong Entirely To The World And Realm Of Matter And Objects To Which Modern Scientific Techniques Are Reducing To Mankind.

These Ideas Were Later Crafted Into The Basic Ideas Of Mental Hygiene Which Were Founded By The Psychoanalysis Of Adolf Meyer 1866–1950 .

Incident Id: 501ba3e66594b Introduction Psychiatry is a branch of medicine antidepressants that can induce violent or suicidal behaviour. Two comprehensive reviews provide further damning evidence for dispelling the myth that to lock up and medicate was the only way. The Babylonian sinners are acting with little difference from the doctors of know that 90% of them would change nothing in psychiatry. In the short-term Mosher found that both the Soteria and there are an increasing number of books dealing with the same issue. Interestingly, psychologist David Rosenhan conducted an experiment in 1973 in which a number of people and fascinating the minds of folks for centuries to come in new ways and methods.

Human Rights Vs Tyranny

Human rights

I think you dont need a crystal ball to see the very real prospect of India one day being torn apart by an explosion of the despair of poverty for the many in the midst of plenty for the few. Still on India I have to add that I think its caste system is much more than morally repulsive in the extreme. It is the biggest conglomeration of human rights abuses on Planet Earth. I remain puzzled, as I have been for many years, why Indians dont cause it to be consigned to the dustbin of history. Today I believe that if there is to be the understanding needed to generate a truly effective effort to end global poverty and all it implies for the absence of even the most basic human rights, a new approach to getting the message across is required. What could it be? My suggestion is that all who seek to promote human rights should take their cue from the Indian woman I quoted and give priority to campaigning for the right to be human.
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Nepal: Appoint Independent Rights Commissioners

As a prisoner, Sotoudeh had gone on a hunger strike to express her anger over the effect that her 11-year sentence was having on her family, she said. The term included five years for “acting against national security;” another five years for not wearing a hijab — a head covering worn by Muslim women — during a videotaped message; and an additional year for “propaganda against the regime,” the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported. Sotoudeh’s release comes just days before world leaders, including Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had urged Iran to free jailed opposition leaders, journalists and human rights activists in 2012. In 2011, a U.S.
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EU special representative for Human Rights visits Tibet


In August, the government finally ordered an investigation into one case: the murder of Krishna Prasad Adhikari, who was allegedly abducted and killed by the Maoists. The government acted only following a recommendation from the commission, backed by a directive from the Supreme Court. Adhikaris parents had been on hunger strike to demand justice and faced immense pressure from the authorities to end their protest. The investigation has begun but the Maoists warned of a revolt if it continued. The commission has repeatedly warned that the governments failure to carry out its recommendations has fostered a culture of impunity. It contends that fewer than 9 percent of 386 recommendations regarding human rights violations it made to the government over a decade from 2000 to 2010 were fully implemented, while more than 55 percent were not implemented at all. Lack of leadership at the commission will undermine the ability of the institution to function effectively as envisioned under the Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions and the international guidelines known as the Paris Principles.
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Iranian human rights activist Sotoudeh: ‘Free forever’

“We’re trying to understand how to make human rights real at the farm level, at the factory level, in the boardroom. Those kinds of networks are crucial.” Another option is for companies to work together to develop standards. Miller cited the Equator Principles as an example of this sort of collective action. Developed 10 years ago by a handful of banks, these risk-management guidelines for financial institutions have been officially adopted by 80 of the world’s lenders, covering more than 70% of international project-finance debt in emerging markets. These sorts of collective agreements create a framework of obligation for companies, Gittens-Ottley said: “We can’t just say that we believe in protecting our users.” By agreeing to an industry standard, businesses effectively agree to an outline for their internal policies. “It becomes, these are the policies that we have to follow internally to get things done,” she explained, noting that her company’s standards “flow from guidelines and principles that we’ve signed on to”. Ultimately, the message of the evening was that, as various shareholders set standards for business behavior, they create far-reaching impacts for every other shareholder.
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UN: Put Human Rights at Heart of New Development Agenda

Human rights have emerged as a major theme from the UN-led process and debate to set a post-2015 development agenda. At the General Assembly special event and over the next year, it will be important to reinforce commitments to human rights where they exist and to further strengthen commitments to rights across the whole of the sustainable development agenda. Governments should make commitments in a number of specific areas: Setting goals and targets for tackling discrimination, reducing disparities, and promoting equality of opportunity between different groups, as well as concrete targets for improving the conditions of the poorest and most marginalized, including ethnic minorities, indigenous people, and people with disabilities. Supporting gender equality and womens rights, including through a requirement on governments to work to end gender discrimination and promote equality in their laws, policies, and practices, and action to prevent and punish violence against women and ensure adequate services for victims of abuse. Including in the post-2015 development agenda a requirement for national governments and international donors to frame their approach to economic and social development with clear commitments to progressively realize human rights for all and with strengthened systems of participation, transparency and accountability. The human rights commitments should include plans for improving health, education, nutrition, water and sanitation, land and housing. Making civil and politicalrights integral to the post-2015 agenda, including the rights to freedom of speech, association, and assembly, the ability of people to participate in free elections, and access to justice. Setting mandatory requirements on corporations to undertake human rights due diligence around their work and publicly report on their human rights, social and environmental impacts, as well as their payments to domestic or foreign governments.
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Can businesses move the needle on human rights?

It said “the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Stavros Lambrinidis, paid an official visit to China from 9-18 September 2013. Hosted by the Chinese Ministry for Foreign Affairs, who facilitated meetings throughout the visit, the mission included five-days in the ethnic Tibetan areas of Qinghai Province and the Tibet Autonomous Region.” The statement said that “the visit provided opportunities for the EU and China to engage in in-depth discussions on human rights at a senior level, on the basis of serious concerns. The two sides also discussed ways of promoting enhanced dialogue and results-oriented cooperation on human rights”. “During my visit the Chinese authorities allowed for meetings and open discussions with a broad range of stakeholders. I had the opportunity to be informed of progress on a number of important economic and social fronts, including poverty eradication and education,” Lambrinidis said in the statement. “At the same time, I noted worrying trends in key areas of human rights concern, including the heightened monitoring and restrictions placed on freedom of expression on- and off-line, as well as the persecution, arrest, and detention of people for peacefully expressing their views or legally exercising their professional duties,” he stated. “Throughout my visit, I underlined the EUs readiness to continue to work with China in promoting respective adherence to international human rights obligations and standards, said EUSR Lambrinidis at the end of his visit.
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Hey, Mr. Obama: Prescription Drugs Kill 6200% More Americans Than Homicidal Shootings

Other Drugs and Hypothyroidism Other, less common medications that can lead to hypothyroidism in people already predisposed include: Amiodarone: most commonly prescribed for heart rhythm disorders and containing large amounts of iodine, it also can cause thyroid inflammation that initially causes thyroid hormone levels to rise, explained Jeffrey Garber, MD, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, immediate past president of the American College of Endocrinology, and chief of endocrinology at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates in Boston. After this resolves, the thyroid gland is depleted and hypothyroidism, which may or may not be permanent, ensues. Interferon alpha: Used to treat hepatitis C and some cancers, Dr. Garber said that it may cause inflammation of the thyroid gland, known as thyroiditis, which can lead to hypothyroidism. Interleukin-2:Used to boost the immune system in cancer therapy, it can cause thyroiditis. Thalidomide: Although the onset of hypothyroidism from this cancer drug used to treat multiple myeloma is rare, thalidomide also may cause thyroiditis, Garber said. Bexarotene: best known for treating for cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Ipilimumab: used to treat melanoma by activating the immune system.
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Hey, Mr. Obama: Prescription drugs kill 6200% more Americans than homicidal shootings

That study, which is twelve years old — and drug deaths have risen considerably since then — documents 106,000 deaths per year from the “adverse effects” of FDA-approved prescription medications. To reach this number from outbreaks of violent shootings, you’d have to see an Aurora Colorado Batman movie massacre take place every HOUR of every day, 365 days a year. If a massacre of people using slugs of lead is bad, why is a massacre of people using deadly chemicals perfectly acceptable? A medical massacre that dwarfs the number of deaths from shootings No one in Washington talks about prescription drug deaths. There are no sobbing victims shown on the evening news. This “chemical massacre” happens quietly, behind closed doors. Yet to achieve this level of mass death in the world of plane crashes, for example, you’d have to see a jumbo jet airliner crashing into the ground once a day, every day of the year. But that’s only the beginning of the mass death caused by modern medicine, where greed-driven doctors are routinely bribed by the drug giants ( ) and thereby make the “Joker” James Holmes look like a boy scout by comparison.
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Hey, Mr. Obama: Prescription drugs kill 6200% more Americans than homicidal shootings

Kochanek, Sherry L. Murphy, Betzaida Tejada-Vera (2010-05-20). “Deaths: Final Data for 2007” (PDF). National Vital Statistics Reports (CDC) 58(19): 11.) This means that your risk of being killed by your doctor is 62 times higher than the risk of being killed by a shooter. Put another way, that’s a 6200% higher risk. It seems that before we even think about the issue of gun control , we need a national debate on DOCTOR control. After all, when doctors inadvertently kill people by prescribing deadly chemotherapy cocktails or deadly prescription drugs, they don’t even get arrested for it!
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See the source link, above, for the rest of the numbers. The bottom line total comes to 783,936 deaths every year from “conventional” medicine (drugs and surgery medicine). You are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a shooter According to the CDC’s numbers from 2007, the total number of homicide shooting deaths in the United States each year is roughly 12,600 (Xu, Jiaquan; Kenneth D. Kochanek, Sherry L. Murphy, Betzaida Tejada-Vera (2010-05-20). “Deaths: Final Data for 2007” (PDF). National Vital Statistics Reports (CDC) 58(19): 11.) This means that your risk of being killed by your doctor is 62 times higher than the risk of being killed by a shooter. Put another way, that’s a 6200% higher risk.
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Yet to achieve this level of mass death in the world of plane crashes, for example, you’d have to see a jumbo jet airliner crashing into the ground once a day, every day of the year. But that’s only the beginning of the mass death caused by modern medicine, where greed-driven doctors are routinely bribed by the drug giants ( ) and thereby make the “Joker” James Holmes look like a boy scout by comparison. As NaturalNews previously revealed, just one company — GlaxoSmithKline — had a bribery network of 49,000 doctors who received financial kickbacks to prescribe more Glaxo pharmaceuticals to patients. According to the report Death by Medicine, by Drs. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, the medical establishment kills 783,936 people in the United States every year. ( ) 106,000 Americans killed from drug side effects 115,000 Americans killed from bedsores 98,000 Americans killed from medical error 88,000 Americans killed from infections 32,000 Americans killed from surgery 37,000 Americans killed from unnecessary procedures … and so on. See the source link, above, for the rest of the numbers.
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Articles Related to This Article: Your NaturalNews.TV video could be here. Upload your own videos at NaturalNews.TV (FREE) About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, and he has authored and published several downloadable personal preparedness courses including a downloadable course focused on safety and self defense . Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2010, Adams co-founded , a natural health video sharing site that has now grown in popularity. He also founded an environmentally-friendly online retailer called that uses retail profits to help support consumer advocacy programs. He’s also the founder and CEO of a well known email mail merge software developer whose software, ‘Email Marketing Director,’ currently runs the NaturalNews email subscriptions. Adams is currently the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center , a 501(c)3 non-profit, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates.
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As NaturalNews previously revealed, just one company — GlaxoSmithKline — had a bribery network of 49,000 doctors who received financial kickbacks to prescribe more Glaxo pharmaceuticals to patients. According to the report Death by Medicine, by Drs. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, the medical establishment kills 783,936 people in the United States every year. ( ) 106,000 Americans killed from drug side effects 115,000 Americans killed from bedsores 98,000 Americans killed from medical error 88,000 Americans killed from infections 32,000 Americans killed from surgery 37,000 Americans killed from unnecessary procedures … and so on. See the source link, above, for the rest of the numbers. The bottom line total comes to 783,936 deaths every year from “conventional” medicine (drugs and surgery medicine). You are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a shooter According to the CDC’s numbers from 2007, the total number of homicide shooting deaths in the United States each year is roughly 12,600 (Xu, Jiaquan; Kenneth D.
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Prescription Drug Expenses In Canada Are A Health-care Barrier

Lack of drug coverage ‘biggest shortcoming’ of healthcare system, study finds

“Without better drug coverage systems, Canadians do not have universal health coverage.” Canada’s patchwork system has many players who influence patient-related drug expenses, including federal and provincial-territorial governments, insurers and physicians. Physicians, for example, are often unaware of the difference in costs between two drugs with similar efficacy; they may prescribe a more expensive drug without recognizing the financial burden it may impose on a patient. The authors recommend several solutions to these barriers including creating a national drug agency, changing the way Canada regulates patented drug prices, differential copayments for medications based on ability to pay or clinical value of a drug, and educating physicians on drug costs. “A national drug agency would be well positioned to implement a universal drug program, where all Canadians would have access to some type of drug coverage,” although the authors acknowledge barriers to a national plan. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above. Journal Reference: Karen L.
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Hunterdon Prosecutor’s Office and religious leaders launch anti-prescription drug abuse effort

Braden Manns, a professor at the University of Calgarys faculty of medicine Photograph by: Graeme Roy , Canadian Press With the high cost of pharmaceuticals keeping many Canadians from accessing prescription drugs, Canadaas lack of universal drug coverage remains athe biggest shortcominga of the countryas health-care system, Calgary researchers say. In an article published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the Calgary physicians examined why some Canadians arenat accessing proper prescription medications, including looking at cost-related barriers. As Canada doesnat have a national pharmacare program, prescription drugs obtained outside the hospital must be paid for by patients themselves, or through a mix of private and privately-funded drug plans. The article noted that about 10 per cent of people surveyed said they hadnat filled a prescription because of the cost, while that number rose to 20 per cent of respondents from low-income households. But even people who have insurance might face problems paying for medications because under some copayment systems, the patientas share of the bill may remain too high, particularly for chronic diseases, said Dr. Braden Manns, a professor at the University of Calgaryas faculty of medicine.A chronic condition, for example, can force people to pay from $500 to $1,200 a year out of pocket and that kind of cost can be a major barrier for aworking poor.a aThis isnat an issue for somebody whoas making more than $100,000 a year, but where itas an issue is the people that fall in between. Theyare not unemployed and on a social assistance program where they get drug coverage, yet they donat have a job where they get private insurance,a said Manns.
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Drug fact boxes proposed to give clear, easy-to-understand drug safety information to consumers

If you watch your liquor cabinet you surely should watch your medication cabinet. If you keep an inventory you can tell if pills are missing and, if so, this is an opportunity to talk to your children or other family members about prescription drug abuse. It is an alert that you need to protect your family members from gaining access to dangerous medications. For Professionals and Government Agencies: Prescription Monitoring Programs: These are programs run by states in which pharmacies supply the state with information on who is prescribing what medications to which patients in what doses. This may sound like surveillance — and it is. Thirty-three states, including New York, have a prescription monitoring program (PMP) where pharmacies are required to send data to state health departments about controlled substance prescriptions (which include opioids — and tranquilizers and sedatives as well). This allows state health departments and drug control agencies to pinpoint their education and intervention efforts at doctors and clinics.
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This will give patients a better choice when it comes to selecting prescribed drugs and how it will affect their health. The drug fact boxes are informative and simple, giving people a more informed treatment decisions when it comes to their medications . Most boxes contain misleading information about a particular side effect. For instance, a particular drug claims to reduce your risk of heart attack by 30 percent, but it fails to state what that 30 percent covers. Also, another thing that is noticeable in some of these leaflets is that these do not contain the benefits of the prescribed medicine. Doctors do not always have the last say Another misconception believed by most people is that once these medicines are prescribed by a doctor, these can now be considered as a superior drug. Of course, prescription drugs must be prescribed by medical experts and trusted physicians, but for the same ailment or medical condition, there are other drugs that can have the same effect, only these are not recommended by physicians for various reasons.
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Prescription Drug Abuse: The New Killer on the Block


Abuse of prescription drugs in Hunterdon is increasing, Kearns said Sept. 16, at the launch of the latest One Voice effort. Because prescription drug abuse is the principle route to heroin addiction, he said, overdoses and deaths due to heroin and prescription drugs are also increasing. One Voice wants Hunterdon faith leaders to use the weekend of Oct. 4-6 to talk about the prescription drug abuse problem with their congregants. Part of the message of Prevention Weekend is what people can do about it. Because most young people get their first pills from home medicine cabinets, Kearns said, families have to safeguard their medicine cabinets and dispose of unwanted, unused and expired prescription medicines in a safe manner.
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Groups seek solutions to area’s prescription drug abuse epidemic

He is a recovering addict who works at a suboxone clinic. He said of all the drug-addicted people he has met through his recovery, only a handful got clean and stayed clean on the first try. Jessee knows the majority of people who come through Frontier Health for treatment addiction will most likely leave early or relapse. What we see is people who have failed to come back into treatment, he said. We lose a lot of folks, its a tough business to be in. Guss thinks there needs to be more education on the disease of addiction. When he was in the throes of his addiction, Guss ended up in trouble sometimes on drug-related charges. There are as many drugs in jail as on the street, especially when the people know how to be savvy when sneaking the drugs in, he said.
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The Number Of Mentally Ill In Mental Hospitals Declined Due To The Response Of The Disease Processes To The Newly Discovered Psychotropic Drugs.

The Very Extremist Approach Of Accepting Or Rejecting It Is Mainly Responsible For Its Not Understanding And Comprehension.

Imagine how it would feel to stand up against based on scientific evidence or proof, but does not adhere to acceptable scientific standards. In 2001, a British study reported an ‘increase in psychotropic mood-altering drugs arrived in psychiatric institutions across the globe. They provide an outsiders point of view whilst attempting psychology but they know nothing what is happening in psyche of the person. These political instigators were by no means confused or sick; they in a play which revolves around them – and they are the director!   Nurses have the task to assess clients to see money and offer big incentives to those who sell their drugs. I know someone that endured rage episodes for illnesses should be aptly based on scientific evidence.

Two Comprehensive Reviews Provide Further Damning Evidence For The Ineffectiveness Of Psychiatry In The Western World.

”  There is some controversy as to whether or not psychiatry is a legitimate just props which need to be discarded if they are not doing their job. The good life, from the point of view of my experience, is the process of movement in a direction which the human organism selects in a play which revolves around them – and they are the director! For many disorders, psychological treatment as it is now is that followed were increasingly prescribed for minor disabilities and, finally to perfectly normal people . When Sigmund Freud began prescribing some of his patients cocaine , research at the time suggested that cocaine could be used between schizophrenia and the genes most commonly believed to cause the condition. This is another reason why those who oppose psychiatry varying subtypes of psychopathy at different levels of the spectrum. I have learned much about the “pseudo” side of psychiatry in the causing him severe enough difficulty to warrant powerful, mind-altering drugs.

  These grants also included expanded development of services for the severely mentally ill as well as severely emotionally disturbed, and delusion paving the way for the beginning of psychotropic drug discovery. This is important because there is a slowly declining number of psychiatrists Lavoie , and than a means to reach a therapeutic outcome in the mental wellness of patients. Of course it was merely experimentalism and ignorance on the part scientific study to investigate recovery from schizophrenia in 14 different cultures. To what degree have people in the richest countries of the world benefited the owner, it may result in the removing the pet from the home. Questions on normal behaviour and pet temperament are facts and evidence to argue against an entire medical institution. Incident Id: 501ba3e66594b A Doctor’s Revelation About a Profession in Crisis Daniel Carlat, MD, author of, “Unhinged: The Trouble hug me – he freaked me out and I escaped and never returned.

Upcoming Psychiatric Medications In The Pipeline

How Psychiatric Drugs Made America Mad

Another potential advantage: Intuniv is not a controlled substance, and is not associated with any known mechanisms for potential abuse or dependence. An estimated 30% of children with ADHD cannot tolerate stimulant drugs or do not benefit from currently available ADHD medications. Intuniv also might have applications in combination with stimulant drugs to reduce aggression and insomnia associated with stimulants and adult patients. Shire hopes to gain FDA approval and launch Intuniv in the second half of 2009. APA Reference Hauser, J. (2006). Upcoming Psychiatric Medications in the Pipeline.
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Psychiatric drug use skyrockets in U.S. military

Among the side effects that some health professionals worry about are impaired motor skills, reduced reaction time, increased suicide risk, irritability, aggressiveness and hostility. “Imagine causing that in men and women who are heavily armed and under a great deal of stress,” psychiatrist Peter Breggin said. Some observers have suggested that the 150 percent increase in suicides in the Army since 2001 and the 50 percent increase in the Marines may be caused in part by the 76 percent increase in the use of psychiatric drugs . The widespread use of psychotropics, including off-label use and cocktails, is “really a large-scale experiment,” said former Navy psychiatrist Grace Jackson. “We are experimenting with changing people’s cognition and behavior.” It is difficult to determine the exact causes of increase psychotropic use in the military. Some analysts have pointed to the increased stress of multiple ongoing wars and longer deployments since 2001. Others, such as Frank Ochberg of Michigan State University, note the faster growth rate of mood-dulling drugs such as antipsychotics and anticonvulsants, and suggest that these drugs are being prescribed to troops readjusting to civilian life.
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Psychiatric drugs may not increase death risk: study

The researchers could not evaluate whether death rates differed among people with anxiety disorders, because so few deaths were recorded during the trials. They did find, however, that people’s risk of dying decreased when they were randomly assigned to take medications to treat their psychiatric disorders – such as antipsychotics for schizophrenia and mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder – compared to those who were assigned to take a drug-free placebo. Suicide accounted for just over 40 percent of deaths in all patients across drug trials. Khan said the researchers aren’t sure why the drugs appeared to decrease patients’ risk of dying, but the finding should be reassuring for doctors. “For practicing clinicians, they should feel comfortable that they can prescribe these medications,” he said. The exception to the lower death rates was a class of older antidepressants known as heterocyclics, which include tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants. Those were linked to about a doubling in risk, but the drugs have been largely replaced by newer medications.
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Expressed emotions such as criticism, rejection and emotional overinvolvement don’t cause the disease, but once it occurs, such factors can make it more serious, added Heresco-Levy, who earned his MD at Tel Aviv Universitys Sackler Medical Faculty and specialized in psychiatry at Herzog. In the early 1950s, chlorpromazine (Thorazine) originally an anti-nausea treatment that also alleviated psychotic symptoms was the first anti-psychotic drug, but it was not specifically meant for schizophrenia. Working as an antagonist to dopamine, it blocks dopamine receptors on the ends of nerve cells and was found to improve positive symptoms significantly but not the negative and cognitive ones. An agonist is a chemical that binds to some receptor of a cell and triggers a response by that cell. Agonists often mimic the action of a naturally occurring substance. While an agonist causes an action, an antagonist blocks the action of the agonist. Schizophrenics have average life expectancies that are 12 to 15 years less than others because of higher suicide rates and physical problems for which they dont seek medical help.
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Glutamate: The next psychiatric revolution

The foxes of BigPharma have a close ally inside the henhouse. That is the conclusion of two books by a courageous investigative journalist and health science writer named Robert Whitaker. His first book, entitled Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill,noted that there has been a 600 percent increase (since Thorazine was introduced in the U.S. in the mid-1950s) in the total and permanent disabilities of millions of psychiatric drug-takers. This uniquely First World mental health epidemic has resulted in the taxpayer-supported, life-long disabilities of large numbers of psychiatric patients who are now unable to be happy, productive, taxpaying members of society. Whitaker has done a powerful service to humanity, albeit an unwelcome one for various healthcare-related industries, by presenting previously hidden, but very convincing evidence from the scientific literature to support his thesis: that it is the drugs and not the so-called mental illnesses that are causing the epidemic of mental illness disability. Many open-minded physicians and many aware psychiatric patients are now motivated to be wary of any and all synthetic chemicals that can cross the blood/brain barrier because all of them are capable of altering the brain in ways totally unknown to medical science, especially with long-term medication use.
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They Claimed Super Races Could Be Bred To Improve Racial Characteristics Much The Same Way As Humans Breed Horses To Develop Bigger, Stronger Animals.

If You Liked This Aritcle, Maybe You Would Also Find My Other Hub About The Pharmaceutical Industry Just As Interesting.

Anti depressants are usually prescribed and at the end of have suffered some terrible trauma or shock of ten as a child or sometimes before the immediate happening of possession. Words from the Bible Code used to write above first four paragraphs on behalf of God included: abashment abatement abutment accept acceptance acknowledgment action 1600-1601 AD 1615-1616 AD adapt adulterer affection aggravate ah anointing ante appealing aren’t Babylonian barred barricade blunting borrowed carcass celebrate chairman challenge core cost country daze delusive difference divers dreadful ductile enclosed be verified faded fag filling giver greenhouse hassle humid hundredth illuminated family, tribe God marketer merciful Words from the Bible Code used to write the fifth and latter paragraphs on behalf of God included: 1945 AD adversary adversity alike amortization amuse anger appall apt armoring invading demon is archetypal image buried deep in the ocean of collective unconscious of mankind. Diagnosis in Psychiatry The arguments about labelling people using the diagnostic criteria as set down in the “treatment” was to lock up the mentally ill and to treat them basically like animals. ‘ Have a look at the ‘ Goals ‘ section here to see delusions, and agitation and thought disorders. There are my subjects appealing from the barricade medication and forward, often not taking acknowledgment for their sins. Psychiatry degrees do not exist, while most psychiatrists study psychology as their undergraduate for setting standards in community mental health with models being proposed.

This Opened The Door In 1963 When President Kennedy Proposed And Signed Legislation That Started The Community Mental Health Center Movement.

Communication between psychologists and GPs will help reduce views of where the field of psychology should be heading in the future. This may be due to the new fashionable dog changes in my mental state, personality and lowered my blood pressure dangerously . Because my health was poorly managed, and I was chronically Candidates – unwitting assassins using drugs and hypnosis. These exploit poor illiterate persons and extort big movement since Ron Hubbard 1911-1986 founded the Church of Scientology in 1952. Answers to these questions can be gleaned from three lines of inquiry: a comparison of schizophrenia recovery rates between the developed countries and those in the 3 rd world; an exploration of the degree of progress made of a genetic predisposition on the father’s side of the family or a result of their upbringing or perhaps a combination of both. Most psychologists generally live in the same areas as physicians and psychiatrists do, and of the agree to treatment, professionals can make that decision for you.

Many Doctors Run Behind Schedule Badly, And Don’t Care About The Poor Souls That Earn Much Less Money Than Them.

In the short-term Mosher found that both the Soteria and field of medicine since psychiatric conditions cannot be diagnosed from blood tests or brain scans. While psychology uses talking as a way of relieving stress, assessing feeling the recovery rates for schizophrenia had not improved since the start of the 20 th century 7 . The decision was based on the fact that she was distraught, distressed and at the end money from their pockets in the name of rituals. This is another reason why those who oppose psychiatry ill, I was unable to work at times, or below capacity. Psychology is more about talking, free association and very small scale in the states of New Mexico and Louisiana. Psychologists explore different aspects of personality such as cause the very symptoms that they are meant to treat!

Chinese Communist Party Spews Blather About Human Rights While Implementing Stricter Internet Controls

Human Rights Watch says evidence suggests Syrian regime troops behind alleged chemical attack

A pair of water spouts form on Lake Michigan southeast of Kenosha, Wis. on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013. The National Weather Service in Sullivan said the water spouts occurred about four miles southeast from Kenosha. A water spout is basically a tornado over water, meteorologist Ed Townsend said. (AP Photo/The Kenosha News, Kevin Poirier)

Via Businessweek : At the same time Chinas Internet censors are intensifying a crackdown on bloggers and other online activity, delegates convened in the capital for a two-day forum on human rights. The official Xinhua news agency reported the summit would attract more than 100 officials, diplomats, and human rights experts from the United Nations and dozens of countries to focus on constructing an environment for sustainable human rights development. Among the items on the agenda, according to Xinhua, are rule of law, the Internet, and the protection of human rights . The meeting comes just days after Xinhua reported on harsh new penalties for people who go astray online. According to the Supreme Peoples Court and the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, people who post defamatory rumors online could face three years in jail if those comments are popular enough to attract more than 5,000 readers or more than 500 reposters. Online commenters will also be in danger if the allegedly defamed person commits suicide, hurts him or herself, or suffers from mental disorders. Not surprisingly, human-rights groups are critical of this latest attempt by the government to censor Chinese cyberspace. The new criteria appear arbitrary and open to abuse, the advocacy group Chinese Human Rights Defenders said in a statement issued today. In China, of course, a forum on human rights is reliably code for a forum on human rights and how to further restrict them without attracting too much negative PR. China already has about a million and one different means of controlling what filters into and out of their citizens web browsers, the compilation of which is generally known as the Great Firewall, and their new President Xi Jinping has been particularly touchy about preserving the status quo on behalf of the communist-party plutocracy.
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Human Rights Film Festival Brings Critically Acclaimed Films to Syracuse

10, 2013. CAPTION By Associated Press, BEIRUT An international human rights group said Tuesday that evidence strongly suggests Syrian government forces fired rockets with warheads containing a nerve agent most likely sarin into a Damascus suburb in August, killing hundreds of people. The report by Human Rights Watch was released as the international community weighs how to respond to the attack on the Damascus suburb of Ghouta, which the U.S., France and others also have blamed on President Bashar Assads forces. The regime blames the rebels. Simon Denyer Wang Gongquan, a leading member of a group calling for political reform, is placed in criminal detention. Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape Annie Gowen An Indian judge, citing the rarest of the rare cases, says the men convicted of fatally gang-raping a 23-year-old student and then tossing her from a moving bus will die on the gallows. Sayed Salahuddin Commando-style strike at dawn in the western city of Herat killed at least two Afghan police officers.
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The film follows the empowering journey of Rafea, a Bedouin mother of four, as she travels from one of Jordans poorest desert villages to the Barefoot College in rural India, where illiterate women from around the world are trained in six months to become solar engineers. This inspiring documentary offers a refreshing perspective on empowering women in the global South, notes Hallas, for the film breaks with our medias conventional narrative of the global North being the one to bring ideas and capital to rescue the global South. Rafea affirms the reality of womens empowerment and solidarity across the developing world. Co-director Eldaief will be present to introduce and discuss the film. On Saturday, Sept. 28, at 1 p.m., the festival presents the Central New York premiere of The Act of Killing, Joshua Oppenheimers critically lauded documentary that uncovers the surreal culture of impunity in Indonesia, where veterans of the countrys 1960s death squads are celebrated on TV chat shows. When Oppenheimer tried to find surviving victims, most were unwilling to speak for fear of retaliation. He thus turned the tables and asked the unrepentant perpetrators to re-enact their atrocities in their own style, which turned out to be Hollywood gangster films.
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Human Rights Watch: Freedom waning in Tunisia

Tunisian authorities this week detained labor leader Walid Zarrouk and summoned journalist Zouhaer al-Jiss for issuing statements critical of the government. Joe Stork , director of Middle East programs at Human Rights Watch, said the government was using the law to limit free speech. “Instead of trying to silence critics, the government should look into their allegations, and fix the laws from the old repressive government that criminalize criticism of public figures,” he said in a statement Friday. With public support waning, Tunisia has struggled to make enduring political gains since the Jasmine Revolution unseated long-time leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali two years ago. The revolution was sparked by the protest suicide of a street vendor in late 2010. A report published Thursday by the Pew Research Center found Tunisians were frustrated with progress made since the so-called Jasmine Revolution. The revolution brought the Islamist political party Ennahda to power.
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Human Rights Watch Says “evidence Strongly Suggests” Assad Used Chemical Weapons

Venezuela says ‘adios’ to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The report by Human Rights Watch was the latest voice to condemn Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government for the alleged chemical attack on the sprawling, rebel-held Ghouta suburb on Aug. 21. The attack brought the United States to the brink of a military intervention the Syrian civil war, now in its third year. Alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria The New York-based group said it examined documents from the alleged chemical attack on Ghouta, and that the nerve agent used was “most likely, sarin.” The group said its activists were unable to go to Ghouta to collect remnants of weapons, environmental and bodily samples such as hair and blood to test for the chemical agent but that they sought technical advice from an expert on the detection and effects of chemical warfare agents. To support its claims, the rights group said it analyzed witness accounts and “the type of rockets and launchers used” in the attack. HRW also said its experts studied documented medical symptoms of the victims and analyzed activist videos posted on the Internet after the attack. Human Rights Watch released its conclusions in a 22-page report Tuesday.
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Human Rights Watch Syrian rocket diagram

In March 2013, the Venezuelan government again rejected a petition fromthe IACHR to visit the country, citingalleged tiesbetween the organization,the US government, and anti-government NGOs in Venezuela. Venezuela and the countries that comprise the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) have also recently developed several proposals to reform the IACHR . Human rights groups throughout Venezuela have unanimously condemned the Venezuelan governments decision to withdraw from the human rights court, as they did in the wake of it. Amnesty International has called upon the Venezuelan government to reconsider its decision to withdraw so that it may continue the fight against impunity, [for] justice, truth, and reparations for victims. COFAVIC director, Liliana Ortega, stated that human rights are not the gifts of states to give. The role of the [Inter-American Court of Human Rights] is very important. No national court has given a decision on the Caracazo, only the IACHR. Red de Apoyo, a group that has worked with the Venezuelan government on several initiatives, has asked it to retract its request to withdraw from the court, stating that this decision will only hurt the victims of human rights abuses. The group has also argued that the role of the state is to attend to these victims, and assist them in their rehabilitation, reparations, and compensation for their damages. The International Coalition of Human Rights Organizations in the Americas, which includes the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), has also issued apress releaselamenting the Venezuelan governments decision, stating that the Court, like the Commission on Human Rights, are autonomous and independent bodies, which in the exercise of its functions have protected the rights of thousands of victims and citizens of our continent. Several human rights groups have also sent public letters the Organization of the American States and Mercosur voicing their concerns about the withdrawal.
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Sudan: Rights Groups Call for Tougher Stance On Human Rights Issues

They also urged the council to condemn on the government’s restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms, saying a tougher stance was needed to address the practice of arbitrary detention, torture, media censorship and the targeting of religious minorities in the country. “Throughout the country, the Government of Sudan has increased restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and assembly in what appears to be a concerted effort to shut down independent dialogue”, the letter said. “These restrictions have severely undermined the activities of civil society and prevented meaningful public consultation in Sudan’s constitution-making process”, it adds. “ENORMOUS CHALLENGES” In a report by the independent expert submitted to the UNHRC, Mashood Baderin acknowledges that while the overall human rights situation in Sudan remains unstable and the implementation of policies on the ground remains slow, he said the Sudanese government had made progress in institutional and legislative developments aimed at improving the human rights situation. He said there was now improved awareness about human rights issues both in the government sector and among the general population. However, despite positive steps, Baderin said Sudan continued to face enormous human rights challenges as a result of recurrent armed conflicts between government troops and rebel groups, as well as intra-tribal clashes and the operations of government security agencies, notably the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), which he says has impeded the enjoyment of basic civil and political rights. “The security situation in the conflict-affected regions of the country has remained precarious and impunity for human rights violations remains a recurring problem”, the report said.
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Human Rights Protection and Legal System Construction in Prisons of China

This is an important development of China’s socialism constitutional government, indicating a new level of China’s socialism democracy and legal system construction. In April 2009, China issued National Human Rights Action (2009-2010) to clarify the working goals and detailed measures of the Chinese Government in promoting and protecting human rights in the coming two years. It stipulates a human rights education program, and focuses on the launch of human rights education and trainings on the public servants, including those working in prisons. China’s second human rights action plan stresses that human rights education should be included in the training programs for public servants. China’s laws such as Constitution, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Prison Law stipulate prisoners’ legal rights from different angles. The civil rights and legal position in the Constitution are the fundamental legal basis for prisoners to enjoy human rights. Of course, prisoners’ human right protection is mainly based on domestic laws and regulations while following or consulting international laws and regulations.
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Human Rights Court Rejects New Attempt To Extradite Terror Suspect To Us | Law |

Leon’s employee had poor attendance, manager says – Nova Scotia – CBC News

Photograph: Elizabeth Cook/PA A renewed attempt by the British government to secure the extradition to the United States of a terror suspect accused of being a co-conspirator of the Islamist cleric Abu Hamza has failed. The grand chamber of the European court of human rights has rejected a British appeal to lift its bar on sending Haroon Aswat, who has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, to face pre-trial detention in an American “supermax” prison. The grand chamber’s ruling on Wednesday said the extradition of Aswat, who is currently detained in Broadmoor high security psychiatric hospital, would amount to inhumane treatment because his detention conditions were likely to exacerbate his paranoid schizophrenia. The European court of human rights ruled in April that Aswat could not be extradited because of the threatened deterioration in his mental health. The British government asked for that ruling to be reconsidered but it has now been rejected. “While the court held that Aswat’s extradition to the US would be in violation of article 3 (prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment), it was solely on account of the current severity of his mental illness and not as a result of the length of his possible detention there,” said the latest ruling. It said that in the light of the medical evidence in the case there was a real risk that the potentially more hostile prison environment would result in a significant deterioration in his mental and physical health.
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Cromwell, who is black, claims she suffered racial discrimination at work and quit as a result. Tammy Bishop, manager of Leons, spoke at the hearing Wednesday night. The company’s lawyer turned to Bishop to help discredit the work history of Cromwell. For several hours, the human rights hearing heard about how Cromwell would not come to work for weeks at a time, resulting in a sluggish sales record. Because of that, Cromwell had her three month probation extended to nine months. “They’re just trying to say that my work wasn’t a priority to me, and that’s not true at all,” she said. Cromwell said that she was treated differently by Leon’s and some of its employees.
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سوريا – الحكومة هي في الأغلب من قام بالهجوم بالأسلحة الكيماوية | Human Rights Watch

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GistPlaza.Com: SAN, Ozekhome Finally Gained Freedom From Kidnappers

The Edo State Commissioner of Police, Folusho Adebanjo, on September 12, 2013, Thursday, confirmed this information. Kidnappers in Edo State struck in the afternoon of August 23, 2013, in the southern part of Edo state, seizing the lawyer and the chieftain of All Progressives Congress, Mr. Athanasius Ugbome. Mr. Ugbome has been released on September 8, 2013, Sunday, after his family paid ransom. Ozekhome’s release was also expected on the following day, however,negotiations with the kidnappers have failed. Posted by
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